Published inPrism & PenDon’t Look Away: Sam Nordquist, a Trans Man, Was Tortured to DeathMaybe someday your life will depend on knowing what’s happening all around you right nowFeb 1650Feb 1650
Published inPrism & PenIf the Catholic Church Were Tolerant, this Trans Man Wouldn’t Be AliveI have a complicated relationship to CatholicismJan 3111Jan 3111
How Does a Trans Person Write Responsibly After Trump’s Inauguration?My life feels like a dead-sober fever dream of magical realismJan 2524Jan 2524
Published inPrism & PenDo All Trans Men Have Toxic Masculinity to Overcome?I feel an obligation to learn how to embody positive masculinity, but that’s a learning processDec 30, 202440Dec 30, 202440
I Give My Middle-Aged Trans Body Permission to Slow Down and RestIt’s okay to take time to recharge on my termsDec 7, 202412Dec 7, 202412
Published inPrism & PenEverything I Wish You Knew About Loving Your Trans SonI’m always only three words awayDec 6, 20249Dec 6, 20249
I Trick My ADHD Brain into Letting Me Do Chores and Save MoneyThe struggle to convince the world that I’m “normal” doesn’t always leave a lot of leftover energyDec 6, 20244Dec 6, 20244
Published inPrism & PenCO Representative Diana DeGette: LGBTQ+ People Are Not Going Back!Trans voters who survive these attacks will always remember who was silent and complicit and who spoke up when it matteredDec 3, 20243Dec 3, 20243
Published inPrism & PenAre Trans People Canaries in the So-Called American Coal Mine?This sentiment is both upsetting and feels horrifyingly true right nowDec 1, 202445Dec 1, 202445